Monday, May 30, 2005

Some ONG´s in Madrid

CEAR - refugee issues. Useful summary of refugee law.

Social Consensus on Migration -- CARITAS and CEAR inspired re-thinking of immigration issues.

FEMP -- keepin´it local. Madrid crew.


Blogger mr. p said...

raising the question of the Madrid funds -- 13 million Euros this year if I remember correctly -- who is getting this new Spanish Socialist euro-flow? if not these groups? where is the new bling?

these are the NGO´s (or ONG´s) directly linked to the municipal government (i.e. if you go to the city and ask to volunteer helping immigrants, these are the groups they will refer you to).

APROSERS -- Investigación, estudio, creación y gestión de centros y asociaciones étnicas y cualquier actividad que redunde en beneficio de personas y grupos marginados, especialmente inmigrantes. (this sounds a bit subversive, a bit like ACORN. So the government is subsidizing the fomentation of ethnic groups which may later pressure it for more money. so excellent.)
José Fraile
91 547 21 33

- a couple purely providing Spanish classes. Then...

ACCEM (catholic in there somewhere)

Atención, acogida, formación y promoción en todos los planos y neveles de refugiados, asilados y migrantes, con ele fin de promover su plena inserción en la sociedad de acogida.

Fredy Navarro
91532 74 78

-- a bunch to keep juveniles off drugs, etc.

-- a bunch for women, with gitanas getting especial attention


10:20 PM  
Blogger mr. p said...

interesting though, how all of this intersects with Ireland´s treatment of the welfare state in Becoming Europe. Does APROSERS emphasize ethnic differences and inadvertantly re-enforce them? Or is it a class-based group, including but not limited to immigrants, as per ACORN ( an approach which, at its best, breaks down barriers between immigrants and poor, nativist-inclining natives.

11:05 PM  
Blogger mr. p said...

More possible beneficiaries directly named by city (I assume Madrid does it like Ireland describes Belgium, etc -- subcontract the work to selected charities and NGO´s):
COSOP (translated this time) -- fight against racism, xenophobia, marginalization for economic, ethnic, religious pol-soc. reasons. Defense of human rights and peace.
Amongst activities: Ocio (as I understand it, this just means shittin´ the shoot and maybe playing cards across cultural boundaries) and intercultural activities.

Manuela Cornejo
91528 39 25

ADSIS -- Contribute to individual development to construct a more just and soldidaria society amongst groups at risk of exclusion. FOMENT NORTH SOUTH RELATIONS ON THE BASIS OF EQUALITY AND EQUITY.

(btw, caridad is not on this list from the city. nor are the other previously mentioned, more red-crossy groups. for anyone who doesn´t think something interesting is happening in Spain, just consider that 13 million Euro´s of taxpayer dollars are going to these groups this year if I´m not mistaken, in Madrid alone. Barcelona is getting 12 million.)

Ma. Francisca Gago
91 504 51 64

A bunch of catholic and union groups. There´s a group here offering arabic classes para niños. Impressive, after 3.11.

11:31 PM  
Blogger mr. p said...

(I meet with this group on Wed)
MPDL -- Spreading and defeinding the principles of peace, disarmament, liberty, solidiarity and *convinvencia* between people. Respect for ecology. Erradication of racism, xenophobia, and intolerance. Helping marginal sectors of the population.

Here´s Asociación Gandalf. I do feel a bit Middle-Earth here.

ADRA (back June 9th -- Olga)

Sensibilización -- this is like awareness raising.

91 571 38 47
Maria Diaz
91 5077168

11:41 PM  
Blogger mr. p said...

Cross-checking with the list the other city office gave me of immigrant-oriented ONG´s (both required me passing through metal detectors):

Wow -- the only overlap is ADSIS, one youth group, ACOGEM (I left it out, food clothing and Castellano)and good old Gandalf (a program for niños, though no arabic classes advertised). Some of these groups sound really interesting. Another Bolivian group (ACOBE -- 661665600). My favorite:

APOYAR -- as best i can make out, this is mostly for old people who were exiled by Franco and are coming back to socialist spain, maybe their kids grew up speaking French or German or English, and they are trying to get their landlegs in Zapatero Spain.

Filo o Juan

WTF? Could this country be any more excellent?

11:57 PM  

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